PARENTS AND CHILDREN IN POOL 1 Penguins PENGUINSBubs (6 mths to 24 mths) & Toddlers (18 mths – 3 years) Parent penguins to teach baby and toddler penguins how to hold their breathe and submerge underwater Find out more Seals SEALSToddlers Gliding and Floating Parents to support independence for toddlers to glide and float Find out more Turtles TURTLESToddlers Propulsion & Confidence Toddlers learn to move through the water with propulsion Find out more INDEPENDENT SWIMMERS Classes with Children on their own 3yrs + 1 TadpolesTo achieve submersion and flotation TADPOLESTo achieve submersion and flotation Find out more Frogs FROGSTo achieve propulsion and front and back glides Find out more Goldfish GOLDFISHTo develop correcting kicking style on front and back and beginner freestyle arms Find out more Dolphin DOLPHINTo achieve competency in freestyle & backstroke and breaststroke Find out more Mini Squad MINI SQUADTo achieve strong strokes, faster pace and further endurance to be ready to swim in 50 meter pool Find out more PRIVATE LESSONS IN POOL 1 Private Lessons PRIVATE LESSONS30 Minute private lessons can be valuable when a child is not confident in the water and needs focused time to achieve swimming Find out more